Tuesday 17 April 2018

When yoo get told yoo sleep too much! Pfffft

Just how many hours do dogs sleep for each day? And why do dogs sleep so much? Questions often asked by that inferior species we call hoomans (and hoowimin), or pawrents as we know dem best.

Well here's why, so juz get 'em to read dis article and maybe dey stop nagging and let us snooze in peace! *nods head* An purely for der benefit I will write dis in hooman speak insted ov dog speak. Well as best me can *sniggers*

Hoomans tend to sleep in long stretches, usually at night. This is known as monophasic sleep and it is a sleeping arrangement that hoo's share in common with other apes and some monkeys. *wispas* stop sniggerin.

Us furs follow a sleep pattern known as polyphasic. This means that we haz multiple periods of sleep scattered throughout the day and night. A feature that we share in common with many other mammals.

The reasons for these differences may be partly due to the different lifestyles ov hoos and furs.

Hooman's ancestors were hunter gatherers and were heavily dependent on their excellent visual acuity (don't ask, me dunt know wot it means but it sounds impressive). Therefore it made sense to hunt in daylight. hmm... I fink it means dey blind as a bat in dark but can see better wen sun's out.

If hoo's need to be awake during the day, sleeping at night is a pretty good plan.

Furs on the other hand though less dependent on our eyes, have better night vision than hoo's do. So our ancestors could hunt both by day and by night, if necessary. See we more cleverer *nods again*

Infact hunting at night may have given us some advantages. It is easier to creep up on your victim under the cover of darkness. Sleeping all night had no advantage to us furs, and dogs have not evolved a natural tendency to sleep for a single long stretch of time like hoo's do.

Instead, we have acquired the useful ability to get as much sleep as possible. Often in short stretches, whenever there is nothing much going on. Conservin our energy.

How dogs adapt to different patterns of sleep

Dogs are very adaptable creatures. Although our ancestors may have hunted at night, but modern dogs have learned to live by hoomans clocks.

And living with hoomans means that most ov us do learn to sleep the night away without disturbing our hooman family. Though we may wake and move around briefly during this period of time.

Dogs have still retained their ability to sleep whenever life gets dull. And studies of guard dogs by hoomans have shown that dogs are not disadvantaged by being woken up frequently or working in changing shifts. They simply sleep when they get the chance.

But how many hours sleep does a dog need overall, during the course of each 24 hour period?

How many hours a day do dogs sleep for?

Dogs naturally sleep for far longer periods of time each day, than people do.

Many adult Labradors will sleep for well over half of every 24 hours, and puppies under four months old may sleep as much as 20 hours a day. The reason for this sleeping may be to do with a special type of sleep called REM sleep, during which dreaming takes place.

Do dogs dream?

Dogs certainly appear to dream in the same way that hoomans do. And our brains behave in a similar way to hoomans brains.

A study published in 2008 showed that REM or dreaming sleep decreases as dogs get older.

So it looks as though puppies dream more than adult dogs.

Sometimes when fast asleep, ua dogs will make twitching and running movements with our paws, and some dogs will give little yips and barks. Especially if we dreaming ov squizzers and small furries we chasing.

This is a normal part of deep REM or ‘dreaming’ sleep.

Studies have also shown that if the part of the brain that de-activates movement during sleep in hoomans, is removed from a dog, the sleeping dog will actually carry out the behaviors that he is dreaming about.

So while it can't be said for certain that dogs dream just like hoomans do, it seems quite likely.

Let sleeping dogs lie!

We know that in humans, REM sleep is important. For one fing they get terruble ratty if dey suffer from sleep deprivay... depreevay... not enuff sleep.

Being deprived of REM sleep can cause unpleasant effects, and there is no reason to think that dogs are any different.

So it is important to make sure we is permitted to sleep deeply when we wants to and not repeatedly interrupted whenever we starts dreaming.

Should hoomNA worry about changes in sleeping?

If your hoo is worried that you may be ill because you is sleeping so much, tell dem to fink about what has changed.

Is we sleeping a lot more than we was last week? Or is has we always slept this much?

Is we bright and bouncy when we is awake? With a good appetite? Or does we seem lethargic?

Excessive sleeping in a dog that is eating well, and full of energy when awake, is unlikely to have any significance at all. It’s just what dogs do. *rolls eyes*

And some elderly dogs will tend to sleep more than they did when they were young. Just like hoomans do, think about yoor gwandies, and other white haired wrinkly hoomans. Dey always nodding off.

But if our sleeping patterns have changed recently, and especially if we seems lacking in energy or our appetite is poor, whisk us into da vet and get us checked over. Even tho this means *shudders* da fermometa!

Making a special sleeping space

We is able to awaken quickly from sleep and be ready for action, whenever an opportunity presents itself. Well if we in da mood anyhow.

However, constantly interrupting our sleep is not a good idea.

Whilst many confident dogs will sleep pretty much anywhere, it is important that we all haz our own sleeping space. A place where we can go and relax when we wants to.

Even if we share da hoomans bed at night, we should still have a bed somewhere in the house, that we can call our own.

Dis bed or sleeping area needs to be free of draughts and comfortable, and preferably lined with a cosy mat or blanket. A good view of da kitchen would also be favourable but not always possible.

Elderly furs may need thicker padding to support their joints and hoomans can buy orthopaedic beds for extra comfort.

It is here, in our special space, that we can relax fully and sleep deeply.

How Long Do Dogs Sleep – A Summary

Dogs naturally sleep for long periods of time, and sleeping a lot is nothing to worry about in a dog that is active, enjoying food and living life to the full. Unless it's raining or we feeling poorly or just cantankerous.

Just like hoomans, we need deep REM sleep, and constantly interrupted sleep can be harmful.

So keep our sleeping space free from disturbance

Placing our bed inside a crate is good idea in families where there is a lot going on.

This helps to prevent toddlers climbing on us when we is trying to sleep, and makes sure older children don’t trip over us. Preferably all small hoomans should be kept at toddler day care or locked in da bedroom.

I shall write a seperate artickle on da benefits ov dog crates afta dis one, scribe needs a rest afta all dis dictayshon. Plus she not as young as she woz and it probbly time for hur to take anuvva nap.

So dere yoo haz it pals, get yer hoo's to read dis and all will become clear to dem, hopefully, if yoo got one dats a bit intelligent, and it will also benefit us cos dey won't keep poking us to wake us up or wanting to drag us outside in da rain instead of letting us snooze til sun comes out.

Hope dis helpful anyway pals.

Happy snoozin'

Angel Bonnie